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Why Donate

  • Mod the Sims (MTS) freely provides access to aftermarket game content, creation tools, modding information, and game support to all people in the Sims player community.
  • Downloading and forum-posting privileges at MTS will always be 100% free to our members. All owners, staff members, and creators are volunteers who receive no monetary compensation for their efforts at MTS.
  • Although MTS will always be 100% free to its members, it incurs monthly operational costs, and is kept alive through member subscriptions and individual donations.

How YOU can help

  • Don't AdBlock the Ads!
  • Become a monthly supporter
  • Make a one time donation

What's in it for you

The various donation options offer you different "perks" around the forums.

GroupCostIconAvatar SizePM InboxAdsOther
Regular Member Free! No 100x100 65k 200 Yes
One-time Donation You decide! 100x100 65k 200 Yes See note 2.
Monthly - Fan Club $5 110x110 70k 200 Optional *
Monthly - Supporter $10 110x110 80k 300 Optional *
Monthly - Addict $15 110x110 90k 400 Optional * One time custom title change

* Note 1: Ads must be manually turned off in the User Control Panel

* Note 2: Heart icons are NOT instant - they only get updated once per day.

Frequently asked questions

Q) What form of payment can I use in order to make a donation or to become an MTS Supporter?
A) MTS uses PayPal (http://www.paypal.com) for donations. Signing up with PayPal is fast and easy. It allows you to designate your preferred banking account or credit card as the source of your donation. If you prefer not to sign up for PayPal, you can use your credit or debit card without a PayPal account, but only for one-time donations

Q) What is PayPal? Is it safe?
A) PayPal is an online service that allows members to exchange funds. It is now owned by eBay and is one of the most common forms of payment. MTS has never had problems receiving donations with PayPal. MTS members have never reported problems regarding sending donations or ending subscriptions with PayPal.

Q) But what if I dont have a paypal account?
A) You can just use your credit card like normal and PayPal processes it. You dont need a Paypal account to pay with Paypal.

Q) Are there any alternatives to using PayPal?
A) Not at this time

Q) What is an MTS Supporter?
A) MTS Supporters have signed up to donate a certain amount every month through a subscription. Supporters are designated on the MTS forums with a special “simoleon” icon below their avatars. Supporters may alter or cancel their subscriptions at any time by going to PayPal.

Q) How do I become an MTS Supporter?
A) Click here (http://www.modthesims.info/subscriptions.php) to access your subscription panel. Then choose which monetary amount that you wish to contribute. You can choose between the US Dollar, the Pounds Sterling, or the Euro. Then select “Order with PayPal”, and follow PayPal’s instructions. If you do not have a PayPal account, you are given the opportunity to create one at this time. Otherwise, you can log into your current PayPal account to complete the subscription process.

Q) I signed up for the MTS Supporter, but now I want to cancel?
A) Login to PayPal, Click the History tab, then click the details against the MTS supporter subscription. Click Cancel Subscription. For more information, see this paypal Help page.

Q) I have another question not answered here...
A) Please post your question in the Site Questions & Issues forum and we'll try and answer as soon as we can!