
30th Oct 2014 at 10:41 PM
I don't understand Skyelark_Chan's post? The downloads all seem to be here and I'm able to download things. However the
counts of downloads don't seem to be working. If I go to My Downloads, it says I have none, but I know I've downloaded quite a few things from this site. Even the item I've just downloaded doesn't show up. Similarly, when I go to the individual Downloads, at every one I look at, the Downloads count is always zero, even for popular items that I know have been downloaded thousands of times. The Thanks, Favourites, Views and Comments counts all appear to be working properly. I trust this is probably in hand and the download counts will probably reappear shortly, but I thought I'd flag it up in case it has been missed.
Anyway it's good to see the site back up. Thanks for bringing it back.