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Replies: 5 (Who?), Viewed: 15186 times.
Original Poster
#1 Old 5th Oct 2024 at 07:40 PM
Default Can't Download
i can't download anything, i can't see any files
Super Moderator
staff: super moderator
#2 Old 5th Oct 2024 at 10:26 PM
Your screenshot is distorted and I can't read it. What is it that you are trying to download? If you can give me a link I can take a look at it.
#3 Old 9th Oct 2024 at 12:43 AM
I think I know the problem they are having, because I'm having the same problem. All mod pages are showing clickable links to download mod files, but clicking on said links yields no response. Even attempting to right click it and open in a new tab doesn't work, as the new tab immediately closes. This problem seems to be site wide, or at the very least in the Sims 3 section. I haven't yet tested the Sims 2 and Sims 4 sections.
Also, I am not using any cookie blockers, and this site is whitelisted on my ad blocker extensions.
Super Moderator
staff: super moderator
#4 Old 9th Oct 2024 at 09:17 AM
Thanks, I was able to duplicate the issue. I have notified the Administrator and asked him to take a look at it.
site owner
#5 Old 9th Oct 2024 at 04:16 PM
Thanks for the reports. This issue is now fixed!
#6 Old 18th Oct 2024 at 11:45 AM
i also cant download. the wiki didnt help bc its like 20 years out of date and gives instructions for internet explorer

"No cookies found!
No valid SexySims login could be found. Please note that you must be logged into SexySims to use this server.

Reasons for this not working are:

If you are logged in, then make sure you aren't using any kind of cookie blocker, like Norton Internet Security.
Try allowing "sexysims.info" in your security software for cookies.
MAKE SURE you have ticked the "Remember Me" option when logging in. If you do not, then you will not be able to download."
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