
29th Oct 2014 at 06:41 PM
Posts: 51
Thanks: 697 in 10 Posts
Creator Profile FAQ
Why don't my uploads show under my profile/in the Downloads section?
There's a few options as to why that might be happening:
- You do not yet have 10 thanks on your uploads. They won't show up under your profile until you've been thanked 10 times. That shouldn't take long.
To check whether it's actually there, click on "Find threads started by (your name)" on your profile and you should see the post listed there. - You have uploaded something that requires expansion packs, and you do not have those expansions set as owned under your profile. User Tools (in the blue bar at the top of the page), Edit Profile, and fix your Games Purchased to reflect those that you own.
- If it's an item that's moderated, like recolours, sims, or houses, it needs to go through the moderation queue and be approved before it'll show up. You'll automatically be subscribed to your own uploads. At the top of the page click User Tools, Subscribed Threads to see your thread subscriptions - items still in the moderation queue have a note saying they are awaiting moderation.
How do I set custom colours for my profile?
You can create your own theme using
theme generator. Not feeling particularly creative? Then try using one from the
theme sharing thread!
To set your profile to use a custom theme, go to User Tools - User Control Panel - Edit Options. Scroll down to "Custom Themegen Style" and enter the theme id. Then, go to User Tools - User Control Panel - Edit Profile; scroll down to "Profile Customisation Options" and select the custom theme id.
How do I add a banner to the top of my profile/uploads?
Profile pictures (banners) are reserved for featured creators, Moo-Moo Award winners, MOCCA Award winners, and LATTE award winners.
If you fall into one or more of the above categories... to set it, go to User Tools (again, top bar), and then click on User Control Panel. Once you're in the UCP, click on "Edit Profile Picture" under Settings and Options on the left side of the page and upload your image.
The maximum size of your profile picture is 768 by 90 pixels or 293.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
How do change my user title?
Custom user titles are reserved for moderators, special users (chosen by moderators) and
monthly donators. Otherwise, user titles are based purely on post count and really, they don't mean anything.
Why can't I start a journal?
Journals are reserved for creators with 1 or more uploads. New journals are moderated - the journal will need to be approved by an administrator. Subsequent journal posts are not moderated after your journal is approved.
How do I change the position of where my journal shows on my profile?
By default, the journal will show on the left of your profile. If you would like to change it so it shows on the right, go to User Tools - Edit Profile, and scroll down to "Show Journal on right side of member profile" and check the box there.
How do I set a profile title?
User Tools - User Control Panel - Edit Profile. Scroll down to "Customised Profile Title" and enter the text you would like to display at the top of your profile page.
How do I set up an info box/about me/terms of use on my profile?
User Tools - User Control Panel. Settings & Options - Edit Profile - "About Me / Profile Box Title" and enter a title or heading. You MUST enter a title or heading in that box for the text below to show up!
Then, enter your details in the box below, labeled "About Me / Policy / Other Text." You can use standard vBulletin tags to make lists, italic, links, etc., in this area.
You may use images in this area, as shown
here but please keep these images to a reasonable size... no larger than 600x600 pixels. You may find your "About Me / Policy / Other" info cleared by an administrator if you go over this limit.
# Thanks in # Posts is wrong...
Underneath your username, avatar, etc. when you post, a small line of text will say something like "313 Thanks in 10 Posts" - it often happens that the post count there will be incorrect, displaying a much higher count of thankable posts than you actually have.
This is a small known issue and you can easily fix it yourself. First, go to your own profile. You can find it by clicking on your name where it says "Welcome, Username," in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Then click the link under your name and avatar that says "View My Scorecard." Your scorecard page will load (this may take longer than other pages as it's having to calculate things), and in doing so, your number of posts will also be recalculated, and the glitch will be fixed.