
31st Jan 2021 at 03:48 PM
Old Story Archives
Hi all!
I used to be active here years back, and I loved the stories - 2 really stick out in my mind and I wonder if it would be possible to go back and find them?
One was about a gangster called Nico and the children of mob boss - he ends up marrying the daughter who I think is Sophie or Sophia, one of the sons is gay and maybe called Michael? The author I believe sadly passed away, I don?t know if the story was ever finished.
The other one was about these rich siblings, I know one was Stephanie since we share a name, the other girl I think was Carla and there was a brother too. They were at this elite school and made friends with another student and it was implied something bad happened to her, one of the girls was engaged to a guy but his best friend was secretly in love with her and it was all very teen drama and I loved it.
Do archives exist at all? Would be a lot of fun to revisit these stories.
Thank you!